
Circle Up Learning was founded in 2023 to nurture relationships and provide opportunities to deepen restorative practices in schools. We all do our best learning when we feel seen, connected and valued; the experience of belonging drives students’ academic success. Circle Up Learning offers an experiential model for school staff, which considers belonging a practice we can learn and we can teach.  

Founder, Liz Howort, has facilitated and coached school staff for over 5 years across the 5 boroughs. In her prior life, Liz was the founding Director of the Bard Early College Academy (NYC), an academic enrichment program for middle school students. She also taught 9th grade ELA and supported learning in resource room for many years in District One. Raised by public school teachers, Liz witnessed how educators can uplift one another as they face a system that does not prioritize well-being. This insight led Liz to center social emotional learning (SEL) in her coaching work; she sustains teams by celebrating successes, finding strength in the collective, and co-planning to increase belonging. Liz brings an equity lens to all of her work, and has dived deep into racial equity and disability and inclusion. Liz is also passionate about personal storytelling, creative practices, and healing in community. Outside of school, she enjoys hikes, bikes and gardening with her family.  

Liz earned her BA and MAT from Bard College and her MFA from the New School University.


To nurture and build relationships, grade level teams will collaborate on Social Emotional Learning at school. Topics include: team building, restorative circles, personal storytelling, empathy, active listening and resilience. Team coaching is an opportunity to share personal stories, strengthen team cohesion and reflect on our shared purpose as educators. 

Team Coaching

Staff engage in restorative practices which they can implement with young people in many contexts including advisory, student council/leadership, student clubs, peer mediation, small group services (counseling, speech, etc.), and classrooms. Topics include: values and purpose, facilitating circles, and the role of circle keepers. This work fosters safe spaces that uplift student voices and provide opportunities for young people to learn, lead and heal in community.

Restorative Practices Coaching

Driven by the unique needs of the teacher or co-teachers, coaching provides the opportunity to reflect on interpersonal relationships with students and colleagues. Teachers consider their strengths in developing relationships and reflect on ways they would like to grow as educators. Such growth can be focused on implementing routines/tools that support the entire class with learning, or can center on rebuilding a relationship with a particular student. Co-planning sessions provide teachers the opportunity to unpack their concerns and engage in action planning collaboratively.

Teacher Coaching

In collaboration with social workers, counselors, teachers, special educators and/or paraprofessionals, staff engage in a strength based approach to behavior support. This process is designed for any student regardless of whether or not they have a formal BIP and is grounded in the continuous improvement cycle. This process centers the student and welcomes all stakeholders including the family. Topics include: behavior identification, needs identification and action planning to promote relationship skills and task skills.

Behavior Support Coaching


Liz Howort (She/Her/Hers)